Friday, October 1, 2010

Can you love two people at the same time?

Someone asked me this question. Hm, Okay so here is my opinion - I think yes you can love 2 people at the same time. But you have to love one more than the other. & if you really do love both of them - then you wouldn’t do anything to hurt one or the other. Example: Cheating. why would you cheat on anyone you love to satisfy your own desires to be with 2 people you know? that is not love. that is selfish.

PS: If you love someone you will be faithful to that person, no matter what “feelings” arise (no pun intended) for another person.
I’m SELFISH, IMPATIENT and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times HARD TO HANDLE. But if you can’t handle me at my WORST, then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my best.

I agree with Marilyn Monroe that if someone can’t handle you at your worst then they don’t deserve you at your best, but if you never show them your best then what’s going to offset the damage you do showing them your worse? What reason will they have to tolerate your bad behavior if they never see you at your best? I DON’T UNDERSTAND! LOL

Jealousy is my greatest flaw, and I get REALLY jealous. I don’t even want him having girls as friends, or him talking about his past and I just don’t know what to do, I’m ruining a great relationship with my own insecurities, and it hurts, but I can’t control it.

Haven’t been in a very good mood of late. I don’t understand why must all things just come at one time. I’m pretty much stressed on some personal issues. Maybe I deserve all this shit.

I’ve not been sleeping well, so don’t mind if you think I’m blabbering here, or if you manage to catch a few typos here and there. Please ignore me, I sincerely need to vent.

*P.S. I know it all sounds complicated. Fuck it.. I don’t even understand myself.